10 Serene Decorating Ideas for a Relaxing Home

10 Serene Decorating Ideas for a Relaxing Home

Posted On April 20, 2022

Going home to a relaxing environment is something we always look forward to after having a stressful day. Wouldn’t it be nice to step inside a clean and cozy abode after a chaotic day at work? Your home should make you feel safe and comfortable. That is why a well-organized space with soothing decor can positively affect your mood and foster a sense of peace, not just for you but for your guests, as well.

There are plenty of serene decorating ideas to make your space more tranquil. 

Allow us to share the secrets to achieving a calmer and happier home. We’ve listed ten decorating tips and relaxing home decorating ideas for your next interior makeover.

1. Focus on Good Lighting 

Consider adding natural and ambient lighting to make your living room more vibrant. Let the sunlight in by installing large windows overlooking the outdoors. For small apartments without windows, you can place large mirrors to reflect the natural light. If you prefer artificial lighting, try putting light fixtures in warmer shades instead of cooler tones.

2. Pick a Relaxing Color Scheme

serene color scheme for a relaxing home decor

Neutral color palettes like cream, beige, and grayish-blue create a relaxing atmosphere for your walls and ceiling. Lighter shades of pastel are also relaxing and soothing to the eyes. These colors work perfectly for any interior but are best to apply in your bedroom, living room, and bathroom to achieve a more calming effect.

Interiors painted with soft hues can match with white, wooden, and even dark-colored furniture. You can also add a few color accents to your sofa, blankets, cushions, and curtains to balance the visual appeal of neutral and vibrant colors around your interior.

3. Highlight the Function of Your Room

Whether it be your home office or game room, designated spaces create a sense of work and life balance. Maximizing every corner is ideal especially if you have smaller spaces. For extra storage, utilize more built-in cabinets in the kitchen without occupying too much space. Also, consider open-space layouts, so you can comfortably roam from one room to another.

4. Organize and Declutter Your Space

clean and organized bedroom

No matter how big or small your space is, there are many ways to balance it out or make it look more expansive. As coined by Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo herself, we should learn to get rid of anything that does not spark joy. Clean up unnecessary clutter in your home to make room for important things and new decors. Remember to avoid too many accessories and use storage lockers to tuck your things away from your tables.

5. Bring in Some Greenery

One way to add a verdant pop to your interior is by putting some leafy plants in your living room. Not only do these can freshen up your surroundings, but also add life and clean the air inside your home. Displaying freshly picked flowers in the dining room and living area can also uplift the mood of your guests.

6. Choose Furniture Made of Natural Materials

furniture and furnishings made of natural materials

Lean on softer and eco-friendly materials to create a serene environment in your home. Many interior designers recommend handcrafted and woven minimalist home decors that are naturally and ethically manufactured. Sustainable materials such as wood, bamboo, rattan, and terracotta can bring warmth and coziness. These can also evoke rustic style and earthiness, making you closer to nature.

7. Put Scented Candles to Set a Pleasant Mood

Scented candles and diffusers are effective mood-setters that can make your room look elegant and smell cozy. These can be therapeutic as the scents help you destress after a tiring day. When choosing aroma, choose one that evokes happiness and pleasure. You can either make these candles as a centerpiece of your coffee table or put them beside fresh flowers.

8. Pick Fabrics With Floral Prints or Nature Motifs

Choose comfortable throws and pillowcases for your bedroom and sofa. For a more soothing and pleasing ambiance, pick fabrics with floral prints or nature motifs. Satin bed sheets are more comforting and can help you sleep faster. 

Rug with natural patterns Cyrus Artisan Push PLS-01 Rugs
Cyrus Artisan Accord Sultan Rugs

Choosing the right color schemes for your bedroom rugs is also a must. Solid colors can contribute to achieving a relaxing and zen-like space.

9. Choose Plush Carpeting or Hardwood for Your Flooring

Cyrus Artisan Push PLS-01 Rugs
Cyrus Artisan Push PLS-01 Rugs

Stepping on soft rugs and plush carpets can make you feel comfy and relaxed. If you like, you can put elegant rugs to make your space look more inviting and luxurious. Meanwhile, hardwood floors can add classic elegance and rustic country-home style to your space. The neutral background of hardwood floors is versatile when it comes to complementing any color scheme you want.

10. Hang Wall Paintings and Abstract Pieces in Every Room

Adding stylish paintings on your walls enhances the overall visual and mood of your setting. Don’t forget to select art pieces that are something personal and evoke strong emotional connections. For your bedroom, choose paintings with blue tones and natural colors that will make you want to rest and curl up in bed. To add a pop of color and light to your living room, consider still lives, landscapes, photography, coated canvas, and collages to hang over your sofa. 

Make Your Home Look Extra Chic and Cozy

Sprucing up your space to make it more relaxing can be as simple as getting a new plant or replacing your bedroom rugs and wallpaper. Your home is a place to unwind and rest after a busy day at work, so it would be nice to freshen up the ambiance a bit and change your rugs or sofa cushions every once in a while.