Working with an Interior Designer

Working with an Interior Designer

Posted On October 28, 2019

Interior designers can help with a variety of decorating hang-ups; whether you simply do not have the time to thoroughly shop around and compare products before making decisions, or you have no idea where to even start with the styling of your room or entire home – hiring an interior designer will make your life easier. Executing others’ style and visions to create a dream home is what they are trained to do! Designers can also help tie the pieces together if you have some ideas and you know what you want the end product to look like. We have gathered the essentials to help you consider, start, and maintain a successful relationship with a decor professional.


Why to Hire an Interior Designer

If you have not already been toying with the idea of hiring an interior designer, it is definitely something worth considering. Homes are an investment, and considering the money that has already been put into your home, hiring an interior designer is a smart way to keep your investment looking its best. While many people assume only celebrities and the ultra-wealthy can afford interior designers, there truly are professionals to manage projects of every scope. If you live on a budget, it does not matter! Throw out the notion that interior designers are only for the rich and famous. You can always find a designer to fit your individual needs and income.

Check out this simple breakdown of the top reasons why you should hire an interior designer to truly accomplish your next design project to the fullest.

1. Spend Less On Your Projects

Contrary to popular belief, hiring an interior designer will actually save you money in the long run. Although there is an additional fee for the designer on top of the products, interior designers have the insider connections and knowledge to get you the best buys for your buck. An interior designer can prevent costly mistakes and find pieces that will actually increase the value of your home if you were to sell in the future. Superior interior design will always boost buyer appeal when listing your home.

2. Planning & Budgeting

Planning and accomplishing expectations in a reasonable amount of time is made much easier when you have an interior designer working for your project. Designers know how to handle large scope design projects, and can keep you on both budget and desired schedule, saving you time and headache. Designers also know the best places and manufacturers to visit for particular resources, and often get insider discounts. Save yourself the time it takes to research products, brands, and prices with a skilled professional.

3. Professional Assessment & Trained Eye

One of the biggest reasons to hire a decorator is the fact that they have a trained eye for style. There are so many designers to choose from across the nation, that if you do some research, you will surely find a variety of designers with portfolios that reflect your taste. Whether you love luxe grandeur and gilded accents, or you perform a modern, white-out look – there is a designer that will comprehend and interpret your vision to make your stylistic dream come to life. Their professional assessment also creates a solid plan more efficiently and will make sure the project continues to move forward. Designers are trained to pay attention to little details we may forget. If you are building your house from scratch, then planning where to place little details like electric plugs are even made simpler when your interior designer communicates with the architect or contractor.

4. Unique Resources Create A Wow Factor

Interior designers often have access to collections and resources which are not available to the general public. With pieces that are coming from exclusive collections, hiring an interior designer will create a space that is entirely your own, and more pulled together, unique, and collected overall.

Interior Design Is a Collaboration

Taking the leap to hire an interior designer can be overwhelming and intimidating. The partnership needs to be honest and full of open communication. Just as the client expects the finished product to meet their expectations and capture their vision, the interior designer has anxiety of meeting those needs. Clients survey numerous candidates when it comes to selecting the perfect designer for their project. While clients ask many questions of potential interior designers, designers should always ask specific questions themselves to avoid issues down the road and agree to a project that fits their portfolio and needs.

Before embarking on any project, it is wise for the experienced designer to assess both the scope of the project and whether or not they are honestly suited to the task at hand. Not every taste and sensibility mesh with one another, so it is crucial to be honest with yourself as a designer as to whether or not you can envision the desired end goal of the potential client. This goes for every interior designer, whether or not you are a seasoned professional.

How to Pick The Right Interior Designer

It can be hard to decide whether hiring an interior designer is appropriate for your home, design needs, and family budget. Once you have made the choice to seek additional professional opinion and guidance for your home decor project, there are other specifics to look at when deciding amongst a large array of prospective interior designers.

1. Assess Your Needs and Expectations

There is actually a difference between an interior designer and an interior decorator. In order to figuring out which will be of the most efficient help for your needs, you need to look at what you are hoping to accomplish. If you are simply bored of your furniture and just want to re-decorate your space or a single room with some new colors and fabrics, then a decorator or color specialist makes more sense than an interior designer. If you plan a new look for your home, or are building from scratch or adding rooms to your existing house, than an interior designer is a far better choice. To be certified, interior designers are held to much stricter qualifications in order to legally practice as an interior designer, and they have a better understanding of planning and working collaboratively with contractors and architects to achieve the desired outcome. Do not waste your time and money by not accurately analyzing your expectations and the desired end result.

2. Ask For Recommendations

Usually great business relationships are initiated and established by word of mouth recommendations. Ask your colleagues, neighbors, and friends if they have used or know of any interior designers that may be a good fit for your project.

3. Do Your Research & Explore Portfolios Online

Any skilled and experienced designer always has his or her own website with past projects and a portfolio on exhibit online. Check out the websites of potential local interior designers, and explore those with taste you like that do not live in your area. Often, with simple exchanges, you can determine if a designer you admire that is not local will work in different regions. While it is essential to check out the portfolio, always establish a meeting with a prospective designer as their website will always glorify their past work. Some helpful resources for finding reputed designers is the website of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) or the International Interior Design Association (IIDA).

4. Be Honest With Your Budget When Exploring Interior Designers

You will not be able to afford all interior designers out there, so be honest with yourself about your budget when browsing. Although one designer has the right taste you admire but falls out of your budget, that is not say you will not find another interior designer with lower fees and great taste. There are always alternatives to the pricey furniture you look at for inspiration – shop to your budget.

5. Do Not Be Afraid To Try New Things!

If you are more drawn to the work, portfolio, and spirit of a new, fresh interior designer, then do not hesitate to work with them simply because they are up-and-coming. You may just have caught on to the next big thing before others had the chance! Trust and similar taste are the underlying foundation needed for a successful design project, so go with your gut.

Questions to Expect

It is just as important to ask questions as the interior designer as it is to answer those directed from any prospective client. Below is a list of key questions your designer may address before embarking on any new project.

  • Address the specific room(s) you would like designed before beginning anything. What are the features in the current room that you like? Is there anything, such as furniture, shape, or wall fixtures that you would like downplayed? And is there something you would emphasized?
  • First and foremost, what are your goals and expectations? What is your desired completion date? It is essential to remain realistic about client expectations and a realistic timeframe. Being clear about this before anything has been done will prevent future discrepancies.
  • What activities will take place in the space being designed? Never feel that being asked personal questions are too invasive. Interior design collaborations become a type of professional and friendly relationship. Your designer will get to know you and your family intimately, and they will spend a large amount of time in your home. Establish a common ground and let them know your living situation off the bat in order to grow a trusting and productive relationship.
  • How do you like to receive updates, potential purchases, product or brand info, and bills? Do you prefer face-to-face meetings? Over the phone? Via email?
  • How involved do you want to be in the project? Do you want to be present for every purchase or showroom visit? Do you want minimal involvement? Some clients will prefer to hand the entire project over to a designer and have nothing to do with it until they see the finished product, while others will insist on constant involvement and interaction.
  • How interested in being “green” or environmentally friendly are you? You will be surprised how important, or insignificant, this is to different people. Everyone has different ideals.