9 Tips on How to Flatten a Rug

9 Tips on How to Flatten a Rug

Posted On October 25, 2023

Transforming a room with a new rug is an exciting endeavor, but dealing with wrinkles, waves, and creases often accompanying a fresh purchase can be challenging.

Don’t fret; achieving that perfectly flat and smooth surface for your rug is easier than you think. Whether you bought a new rug or decided to use one tucked away in your closet, you can quickly remove these kinks so it will be ready for your home.

This blog will guide you with expert tips on how to flatten a rug and banish those unsightly imperfections.

Rug Material and Construction

Before you start getting rid of carpet wrinkles, it’s essential to understand the various materials and crafting methods of rugs. These factors affect how your carpet responds to different flattening techniques.


  • Wool: This popular natural fiber is known for its durability, softness, and staining resistance. It has great insulating properties and can handle moderate foot traffic.
  • Silk: Renowned for its exquisite sheen and fine texture, silk can create intricate patterns and detailed designs. However, it is best suited for low-traffic areas.
  • Cotton: This fiber is affordable and versatile. It is also easy to clean, making it an excellent choice for casual spaces.
  • Synthetic Fibers: Polypropylene, nylon, and polyester are often used to create durable but budget-friendly rugs. They are resistant to stains and fading, making them ideal for high-traffic areas and outdoors.
  • Jute and Sisal: These natural fibers create textured carpets that give a rustic or coastal effect to a room.


  • Hand-knotted: Skilled artisans tie each knot individually onto warp threads. It is a labor-intensive process that results in highly detailed, durable rugs with a unique texture. Hand-knotting outputs can last for generations and are often considered works of art.
  • Hand-tufted: Hand-tufting involves pushing yarn through a backing fabric using a hand-operated tool. While it is less time-consuming than hand-knotting, it can still create detailed masterpieces.
  • Flatweave: Kilim and dhurries are examples of flatweave rugs. They are made by weaving the fibers on a loom, resulting in a thin, flat profile and reversible carpets.
  • Machine-made: These rugs imitate the look of hand-knotted and hand-tufted carpets but at a lower cost and shorter production time.

Common Reasons Why Rugs Wrinkle

Rugs develop ripples and curls due to various factors, ranging from manufacturing to storing or using them. 

  • Storage: The pressure of being tightly rolled can cause wrinkles to form, especially if the rug is rolled up for extended periods.
  • Fiber and Quality: Some carpets are more resilient and less prone to wrinkling, depending on the type of material used.
  • Humidity: High humidity can cause fibers to absorb moisture and expand, causing ripples and wrinkles; low temperatures can result in contraction, which is responsible for curling along the edges.
  • Weight Distribution: Placing heavy furniture on your rug while leaving other areas unsupported causes uneven pressure on its surface.
  • Foot Traffic: Placing your rug in high foot traffic areas can cause deformities on its surface.
  • Age and Wear: Rugs with years of use and exposure to various conditions will result in fibers losing their original elasticity.
  • Improper Cleaning: Wrinkles and creases also result from harsh and inappropriate cleaning methods that can weaken a carpet’s fibers.

How to Flatten a Rug

Here are a few tips on how to get waves out of a rug.

Vacuum the rug

This tip involves thoroughly cleaning to loosen your bespoke rug’s fibers, making them more responsive to other flattening techniques you’ll perform. Ensure you use a vacuum attachment to avoid causing damage to the fibers.

Roll in reverse

Remove waves and creases by laying the rug with its underside facing up. Gently roll the rug in the opposite direction of the creases. Allow it to rest in this position for a few hours to help relax the carpet’s fibers.

Place weighted objects

Another straightforward way on how to get creases out of a rug is by placing flat, heavy objects along its edges and corners. Books, furniture, and other weighted items work well if you ensure the load is evenly distributed.

Use steam

There are two ways you can use steam to remove carpet wrinkles. If you’re using a handheld steamer, hold it a few inches above the rug’s surface and release bursts of steam. Meanwhile, use the stem setting on a steam iron without having the device touch the rug.

Afterward, gently press down on the fibers using your hands to help flatten out the wrinkles. Remember to not over-steam or over-moisten, as it can lead to damage.

Apply warm water mist

Like steaming, you can fill a spray bottle with warm water to remove creases. This technique on how to flatten a rug involves lightly misting its surface. Don’t soak the rug; instead, wet it enough to make the fibers slightly damp. Afterward, press down on the damp areas with your hands or a clean cloth.

Reverse roll and apply heat

This tip on how to get a new rug to lay flat combines two methods. First, reverse the rug in the opposite direction of the creases. Make sure to secure it using straps or tape. Second, use heat to relax the carpet’s fibers, such as near a heater or in sunlight. 

Let it settle

Another way on how to flatten out a rug is by letting time and foot traffic do their work. Be patient and allow the rug to resolve your problems naturally. Encourage family members and guests to walk on the rug regularly to expedite the flattening process.

Tape down the rug

If you’re looking for a quick way on how to get waves out of a rug, you can apply double-sided carpet tape on its backside. Its adhesive side will stick to the floor and hold your carpet in place. This effective technique flattens existing creases and prevents new ones from developing. The best thing about carpet tape is that it generally works on different types of flooring, such as hard floors and wall-to-wall carpets.

Consult a professional

Most rugs will respond to these flattening tips. However, consider consulting a professional if the waves and creases are stubborn. A local carpet dealer has different methods of removing wrinkles, such as steaming and stretching. 

For instance, professionals will test the rug for colorfastness before steaming, as it can make its colors bleed. They may also pull and slowly stretch your carpet, slowly releasing the wrinkles.

Achieve a Flawless Look for Your Rug

Put these tried and tested methods into action, and be amazed at how you can quickly transform your rugs from wrinkle-ridden problems to a seamless centerpiece that can beautify any living space. Whether it’s a gentle touch of steam, rolling in reverse, or patiently waiting for foot traffic to work its magic, achieving a flawlessly flat rug is well within your reach.

Embrace these techniques and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. Be ready to conquer any rug-related challenge and create a stylish and comfortable home.

Learn more care tips for your luxury rug by visiting the Cyrus Artisan Rugs blog.